Lorenzo Maschio
- Department of Chemistry
- SSD: CHIM/02 - physical chemistry
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4657-9439
- 011 670 7564
- 011 670 7855
- lorenzo.maschio@unito.it
- Via P. Giuria 5, primo piano
- https://www.chemistry.unito.it/persone/lorenzo.maschio
- Contacts VCard
- Department of Chemistry
- Dipartimento di Chimica
- Corso di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche
- Corso di laurea in Scienza dei Materiali
Corso di laurea in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali - Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dell'Ambiente
- Master degree in Materials Science
- Scienze e tecniche delle attività motorie e sportive
Scienze delle attività motorie e sportive (L22 - Asti) - Scienze e tecniche delle attività motorie e sportive
Scienze delle attività motorie e sportive (L22 - Torino) - PhD in Chemical and Materials Sciences
Curriculum vitae
Selected research products
Maschio, Lorenzo (2018)
Direct inversion of the iterative subspace (DIIS) convergence accelerator for crystalline solids employing Gaussian basis sets.
Usvyat, Denis, Maschio, Lorenzo, Schütz, Martin (2018)
Periodic and fragment models based on the local correlation approach.
Karttunen, Antti J , Usvyat, Denis, Schütz, Martin, Maschio, Lorenzo (2017)
Dispersion interactions in silicon allotropes.
Schütz, Martin, Maschio, Lorenzo, Karttunen, Antti J , Usvyat, Denis (2017)
Exfoliation Energy of Black Phosphorus Revisited: A Coupled Cluster Benchmark.
Cutini, Michele, Civalleri, Bartolomeo, Corno, Marta, Orlando, Roberto, Brandenburg, Jan Gerit, Maschio, Lorenzo, Ugliengo, Piero (2016)
Assessment of different quantum mechanical methods for the prediction of structure and cohesive energy of molecular crystals.
Masur, Oliver, Schütz, Martin, Maschio, Lorenzo, Usvyat, Denis (2016)
Fragment-Based Direct-Local-Ring-Coupled-Cluster Doubles Treatment Embedded in the Periodic Hartree-Fock Solution.
Salustro, Simone, Maschio, Lorenzo, Kirtman, Bernard, Rérat, Michel, Dovesi, Roberto (2016)
Third-Order Electric Field Response of Infinite Linear Chains Composed of Phenalenyl Radicals.
Maschio, Lorenzo, Rérat, Michel, Kirtman, Bernard, Dovesi, Roberto (2015)
Calculation of the dynamic first electronic hyperpolarizability of periodic systems. Theory, validation, and application to multi-layer MoS2.
Usvyat, Denis, Maschio, Lorenzo, Schütz, Martin (2015)
Periodic local MP2 method employing orbital specific virtuals.
Lorenzo Maschio, Bernard Kirtman, Michel Rerat, Roberto Orlando, Roberto Dovesi (2013)
Ab initio analytical Raman intensities for periodic systems through a coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock/Kohn-Sham method in an atomic orbital basis. I. Theory.
Marco Lorenz, Lorenzo Maschio, Martin Schütz, Denis Usvyat (2012)
Local ab initio methods for calculating optical bandgaps in periodic systems. II. Periodic density ?tted local con?guration interaction singles method for solids.
Lorenzo Maschio, Bernard Kirtman, Roberto Orlando, Michel Rèrat (2012)
Ab initio analytical infrared intensities for periodic systems through a coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock/Kohn-Sham method.
Cesare Pisani, Martin Schuetz, Silvia Casassa, Denis Usvyat, Lorenzo Maschio, Marco Lorenz, Alessandro Erba (2012)
Cryscor: a program for the post-Hartree-Fock treatment of periodic systems.
Lorenzo Maschio (2011)
Local MP2 with Density Fitting for Periodic Systems: A Parallel Implementation.
Maschio Lorenzo, Usvyat Denis (2008)
Fitting of local densities in periodic systems.
Corso di laurea magistrale in Chimica dell'Ambiente - CHIMICA FISICA II - Corso A (cognomi A-K) (MFN1167)
Corso di laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie Chimiche - Elementi di chimica biologica - Asti B (SUI0159_ATB)
Scienze e tecniche delle attività motorie e sportive
Scienze delle attività motorie e sportive (L22 - Asti) - Physical Chemistry (MFN1343)
Master degree in Materials Science - Quantum Effects in Materials: From Theory to Modelling (CHI0153)
Master degree in Materials Science - Uso del calcolatore nella scienza dei materiali (MFN0675)
Corso di laurea in Scienza dei Materiali
Corso di laurea in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali
Research topics
I am a main author of the Cryscor code (www.cryscor.unito.it) and of the most recent version of the Crystal code (www.crystal.unito.it).
My research activity always focused on the development of novel methods and algorithms for the quantum-mechanical simulation of crystalline materials, as well as the implementation of such methods in general purpose codes and its application to problems at the cutting edge of current research.
My current main research interests focus on:
- Electron correlation methods for periodic systems
- Response of solids to electric and magnetic fields
- Simulation of transport properties in solids
- Development and implementation of dual basis set techniques
- Li-ion batteries (4th generation-all solid state)
- Thermoelectric materials
- Permanent magnets
- Phosphorus-based materials
Research groups
Research projects
Activities in agenda
Academic bodies
Office hours
Lunedi' 15:00 - 17:00