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Department Council



The Department Council consists of all professors and researchers at all permanent and temporary of the Department and elected representatives:

  • the administrative staff
  • students enrolled in Chemistry Phd
  • students of the Degree Courses in Chemistry
  • the related temporary (fellows and fellows)

The numerical representations is defined inside the Rules of operation of the Department.

The Department Council is a body of programming and management of the Department, with the main tasks of:

  • resolve on the use of funds, resources and assigned spaces
  • program and approve the recruitment of teaching and research staff
  • deliberate on the need for technical and scientific personnel
  • resolutions establishing, bringing up and down degree programs in which it is involvede
  • deliberate on the proposal to set, change management or PhD in Chemistry
  • define and approve the plan of 'educational provision and educational responsibilities of teachers
  • approve the Order and the Academic Regulations Academic degree programs in which it is involved
  • deliberate on the scientific activity of professors and researchers
  • update the Project scientific-cultural and educational project of the Department

For more details:


Giustified Absence form

Verbals of Departement Council




Last update: 06/11/2018 13:22
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